Tomb Raider I

          Story Outline:-
      Lara Croft, a young british aristocrat and adventurer, is contracted by a rather suspicious business woman, Jacqueline Natla, to recover a mysterious artifact, the Atlantean Scion, from the tomb of Qualopec in Peru.

        After discovering the fragment, Lara is confronted with Natla's hired goons. Using her cunning wits and athletic strength to escape, she delves into a mysterious story that reaches back to the time of the destruction of the Atlantean civilization.

        She will go through Vilacamba, a lost civilization in Peru discovering a prehistoric valley lost cities of Ancient Greece and Rome the pyramids of the old Egypt and finding the pyramid of Atlantis where the mystery unfolds.

      Cheats: -
      Cheats are avaliable in Internet and official strategy guide.
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